The Norroena Society consists of a group of men and women who are devoted to the advancement of the Sedian Asatru/Odinist way of life and its understanding. Since we began rebuilding this noble organization we have worked diligently to bring forth a body of research worthy of our movement, while at the same time seeking to bring our folk together in a way that will move us into the future. Over the years we have published books, made videos, written essays, taught classes, spoken at universities, and much more. Our goal is to serve as the vanguard for cultural studies into this way of life, and to share our knowledge with the rest of our faith-community. It is imperative that we overcome the tendency to rely on outsiders to present the materials that we would base our religious lives on. This is why we are so adamant in our venture, and why we will always be working towards the goals we have set for this organization.
The Society is a reconstruction of its predecessor, which was founded by Rasmus B. Anderson in 1896, although some sources say it was founded by King Oscar II of Norway and Sweden. The organization was designed to bring forth an intellectual overview of classical Scandinavian literature and did so by publishing a series of books, called The Norroena Library. The organization claimed to have a great deal of members in different chapters found in London, Stockholm, Copenhagen, New York, and Berlin. While in these different areas the Society name was sometimes changed, such as in England where it became The Anglo-Saxon Society, the ideals and goals remained the same. The idea was to create a “federation of Anglo-Nordic men of letters,” which would help to bring studies into this culture to the same level as that of ancient Greek civilization.